Judging a book by its cover..! -Karthik Nooney

Contrary to the popular adage “Don’t judge a book by its cover”, a book cover can actually be used to get a potpourri of information about the book. The cover of a book is often the first interaction and it creates an impression on the reader. It starts a conversation with a potential reader and begins to draw a story revealing the contents within. But, what does the book cover say?
What if the book-cover alone told us all the information that we need to pick that book as our next read, be it average rating, helpful comments, number of pages in book, author details, or a better summary of the book? And what if all this information is gathered from myriad of websites making the information more genuine?
Extending my obsession with books, this project addresses the above questions with the help of Computer Vision and Machine Learning.

Click here to check his complete bolg.